I have Deployed from Acquire2Go but the Deployment does not appear to be starting, why?
Firstly you should check the Media tab of Acquire2Go and ensure the relevant missing Media is there. Please also check the Activity and using the relevant search parameters or conditions, including a wide enough date range, Media Uploaded or Deleted you should able to determine if the file(s) were deleted.
Please note: if you choose to Delete some Media, which reports back at 11:39am as Media Delete Complete (as shown below) and then happen to upload the same Media item(s) within a very short space of time again, such as at 11.40am, the following Upload request is ignored and will result in the following files are not the PLUS! Network error message after you Deploy and the Deployment will not be made live, resulting in Red Deployment icon on the Acquire2Go Dashboard and Site Manager.
To resolve this issue, identify the missing files that are needed for the Deployment to be marked as complete in order for this to go live and re-upload. Then check the Deployment has began about 15 - 20 minutes later.
TIP: if you use Site Manager, such files will be shown in the Unit History for the Unit(s) in question when you log in to the associated account and you can obtain the Deploy Logs to help determined what is causing the issue.
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