What is the optimum image size (dpi) that should be used in Acquire?
We recommend that you use images in 72 dpi format for ideal screen resolution playback. Please note: although Acquire Player will automatically resize images for playback you may experience an error if a different size is used and cannot be resized during playback. Typically shown as 891| NoResamplePicture - Not enough storage to process this command in the Acquire Player log. Should this occur, you should resize the image to 72 dpi, rename the file and deploy again.
When you upload a 300 dpi JPEG for example, it takes longer to load and uses more Memory in the process. For instance, an image at 72 dpi could be 1920 x 1080 in size but at 300 dpi that would load in at 8000 x 4500 Pixels. Not only an inefficient use of Disk Space but Memory too (more use of Bandwidth to Upload/Download such files is also needed in the first place).
Acquire Player will then try to resize the image down whilst maintaining quality which takes further time and uses significant amounts of Memory, e.g. the 300 dpi image mentioned above would consume over 140Mb of RAM.
Please note: if the file is not in RGB, and has been sent in CMYK the colours may not decode correctly and in any case CMYK should only used be used for print media. Also note, use of higher dpi and CMYK does not necessarily result in an error in Logs but could result in the file not being displayed or causing Acquire Player to crash.
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