Is it possible to create editable templates in Acquire Editor and use them in Acquire2Go?
If you have Acquire Editor and Acquire2Go Players you can use the powerful editing features provided in the Acquire Editor to create pages, which are uploaded as Templates in Acquire2Go when deployed via the PLUS! Network. This is often referred to a Hybrid system.
For instance, you may want to create a page for a client that does not have Acquire Editor, which he or she can use a Template to build their own pages from in Acquire2Go.
To do this:
1. Create a page as normal, adding in Media or Textbox Apps you may want to use as a template in Acquire2Go.
2. Click on the Info tab in the Toolbox, and click on each of the page items that you require to be available in Acquire2Go and select Acquire2Go as shown. Again, please ensure you select this for each item individually. At least one page item must be selected to allow it to be transferred to the Acquire2Go portal as a template.
3. Ensure you Save any changes you make, you can then deploy the project using the PLUS! Network.
4. The template should become available within 15 minutes of the deployment being sent and received by the PLUS! Network. You will now notice when you login in to the relevant Acquire2Go portal there will be a Select Template drop-down menu when you go in to PAGES and NEW PAGE, Simply, select the template that you wish to use and click Create.
In the example above, the user now has templates that can be used to populate. In most cases a template can be useful for laying out content such as images, videos or RSS feeds that you want or need to appear in the same place on a reoccurring basis. Please note: not all Acquire Editor Apps may be fully compatible with templates.
IMPORTANT: If the Acquire2Go option is not selected in the Toolbox, the page item will be sent to the PLUS! Network as it is and any further changes are not permitted, see Unable To Edit Dynamic Content And Apps That Have Been Uploaded To Acquire2Go for more information. You cannot make further changes to a template, such change the settings inside the App - i.e. the address of a RSS feed once it has been deployed in to Acquire2Go and should you need to makes such changes, the page and App settings inside must be edited in Acquire Editor and redeployed using the same instructions above.
When creating Hybrid Template and then deploying you should NOT select Deploy to Selection [selecting individual Units], instead select Deploy to All in Acquire Editor to ensure the process works correctly. Also ensure none of the check-boxes, e.g. Reboot after Deployment completes are selected.
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