PLUS! Activ8
When installing a Player, use the Acquire PLUS! Activ8 program to Commission the Player on the PLUS! Network (i.e. tell the PLUS! Network about the new Player and check the connectivity between the Player and the Network). Once you do this, the Player will appear in the Site Manager for that Account.
Your Content Manager can then assign the Player to a specific Project by dragging it into a group for a specific project, and then any logs and settings are retained by the PLUS! Network for that player’s account. If at any time you need to replace the Player with a new unit, the player should first be Decommissioned in Site Manager, then the PLUS! Activ8 program run on the new player – this time, choosing Activate from a Decommissioned machine and then choosing the machine you are replacing will mean that all settings and log files will be retained, and the new player will automatically begin collecting any content it should have.
Step 1.
By clicking the 'Next' button you begin the activation process.
TIP: Once you have successfully logged onto the network, the PLUSActiv8 program will ensure you have the latest version of all programs (including itself). If the PLUSActiv8 program has to update itself, the process will restart and you may need to re-enter your username and password.
Step 2.
1. Username: Enter the username that you have been supplied to access your account.
2. Password: Enter the password that you have been supplied to access your account.
Step 3.
1. Register this computer: This registers the Player on the PLUS! Network.
2. Register additional options to this already activated system: This activates other features like Watchdog or Media Server.
3. Activate this system from one which has been decommissioned: You can reuse a machine that has been decommissioned by selecting this option the selecting the machine that you want to use from the drop down menu.
Step 4.
1. Name: Add the name of the Player in this field.
2. Description: Give the Player a description in this field.
3. Location: Add the Players location into this field. Try and make the description of the location as detailed as possible.
4. Notes: This field is for your own notes on the Player. Add whatever notes you feel are fit.
5. Contact Frequency: Using this drop down menu you can select the frequency the player contacts the PLUS! Network.
6. Media Server for Acquire: If the Player is sitting behind a media server, you can select which media server it sits behind here.
7. Firewall/router forwarding: If the Player is behind a firewall/router you can forward it to a remote control TCP port here.
Your Player should now be registered on the PLUS! Network.
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