I've had to restore my Microsoft Windows PC and now my Player is not updating the content even after re-sending it. What can I do to resolve this?
This problem may occur if the Player wasn't decommissioned first, i.e. Hardware and/or software replaced due to a system fault.
You will need to decommission your old Player and then recommission the new one before you can use it.
Please follow the steps below:
1. Log into your Acquire2Go Portal
2). If you have several Projects then you will need to first identify which Project your Player is part of. Once identified, click Manage Project located next to your Project.
3. Click on Groups tab located at the top of the page, as shown on image below. There you will be able to manage your Player(s) and commission any new ones.
4. Identify your Player. If you are unaware of the Players name, hovering the pointer over it will reveal the details. Once you have identified your Player, click it to continue.
5. The following page will allow you to see the status of your player including allowing you to change the name and/or location (if required). At the bottom of the page you will have the option to decommission it.
To recommission your player follow steps 1 - 3.
Also see: Reactivate a Decommissioned Player
Decommission an Acquire Player & keep the Content when Recommissioning
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